Placed is a Seattle-based interior design company helping people make spaces they call home beautiful by curating beautiful collections of items while also partnering with organizations that place children in need with families to support them.
This project was completed during my time at a small studio and relies on the branding design work of Troy Thomas while the website content, information architecture, and web development was under my control.
a small studio, always begins with an identity-driven approach. This means they don’t make assumptions and discover directly with the client what they want to communicate to the world including their strengths, values, and what sets them apart from everyone else. This helps result in a brand identity and experience design that is custom-tailored to the client’s needs and their customers.

I developed and led a workshop with the support of my team to gather the content we needed to tell a strong story directly with our client.

Alongside the content, we developed a design and set of photography we would need to share Placed's story. The design includes elements from the brand guidelines we developed but allowed us to get buy-in from the client and iterate on the photos we would need well in advance of taking them.

I steered creative direction for photography and worked directly with the photographer and client to make sure the content aligned perfectly for the site.

I worked directly with Placed to create their serverless online store architecture. The architecture I developed allows the client to have a fast, static React website with a simple admin panel giving Placed’s team the ability to update the content of the site and add products without having to manage layouts, SEO, or plugins and the like. Most importantly this helps empower the client to control and update their site without sequestering them from the most important part of their business.

Visit Placed's website and let me know what you think. Kim, Kallan, and the whole team are really excited about their new project and I think their work speaks for itself.