Emotiq is an application designed to draw awareness to the influence news media has on the stock market. This is accomplished by running sentiment analysis on news articles closely related to specific stocks. Emotiq displays a sentiment analysis score from 0 to 1. A score of 0.5 is neutral and 1 is strongly positive. This information is displayed next to the stock price over time. Working with my team, I was responsible for front-end design and development, in addition to branding.
If a term that isn't a stock is entered, only the Emotiq score and sentiment graph is displayed. The app is fully-responsive and built mobile first with PostCSS and Gulp using Flask for the front-end. The placeholder text also changes a few times a minute to give users suggestions for terms that might be interesting.
This project was completed in the span of 20 hours at Dubhacks 2016 and was awarded "Best Collaboration of Creativity and Technology".
Above is a quick walkthrough of the front-end I created, since the app is not live anymore. 😕